2 min read

Vue Tip: Use effectScope for Managing and Cleaning Up Reactive Effects

Michael Hoffmann

Michael Hoffmann


Vue Tip: Use effectScope for Managing and Cleaning Up Reactive Effects Image

Vue provides the effectScope API to group and cleanup multiple reactive effects.

An EffectScope instance can automatically collect effects run within a synchronous function so that these effects can be disposed together at a later time.

Let's take a look at a simple example:

// effect, computed, watch, watchEffect created inside the scope will be collected

const scope = effectScope()

scope.run(() => {
  const doubled = computed(() => counter.value * 2)

  watch(doubled, () => console.log(doubled.value))

  watchEffect(() => console.log('Count: ', doubled.value))

// Dispose of all effects in the scope

Real World Example

A practical application is the createSharedComposable function in VueUse:

import type { EffectScope } from 'vue'
import type { AnyFn } from '../utils'
import { effectScope } from 'vue'
import { tryOnScopeDispose } from '../tryOnScopeDispose'

 * Make a composable function usable with multiple Vue instances.
 * @see https://vueuse.org/createSharedComposable
export function createSharedComposable<Fn extends AnyFn>(composable: Fn): Fn {
  let subscribers = 0
  let state: ReturnType<Fn> | undefined
  let scope: EffectScope | undefined

  const dispose = () => {
    subscribers -= 1
    if (scope && subscribers <= 0) {
      state = undefined
      scope = undefined

  return <Fn>((...args) => {
    subscribers += 1
    if (!scope) {
      scope = effectScope(true)
      state = scope.run(() => composable(...args))
    return state

This function creates a shared composable that efficiently manages side effects across multiple components. For example, using a useMouse hook, you can prevent multiple event listeners from being added:

function useMouse() {
  const x = ref(0)
  const y = ref(0)

  function handler(e) {
    x.value = e.x
    y.value = e.y

  window.addEventListener('mousemove', handler)

  onUnmounted(() => {
    window.removeEventListener('mousemove', handler)

  return { x, y }

const useSharedMouse = createSharedComposable(useMouse);


effectScope allows developers to manage reactive effects more efficiently and clearly. By leveraging this powerful feature, you can ensure your applications are not only more performant but also easier to maintain.

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