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Nuxt Tip: Cancel Fetch API Request


Michael Hoffmann


Nuxt Tip: Cancel Fetch API Request Image

It's a common use case to cancel an API request, for example, when a user navigates away from a page.

Cancel Fetch API Request

In Nuxt 3, you can use the signal parameter from AbortController with the globally available $fetch helper to cancel an API request:

<script setup>
const abortController = new AbortController();

const { status } = useAsyncData(
  () =>
    $fetch('https://hub.dummyapis.com/delay?seconds=1', {
      signal: abortController.signal,

const cancelRequest = () => {

    <span>Status: {{status}}</span>
    <button @click="execute">Trigger Request</button>
    <button @click="cancelRequest">Cancel Request</button>


Try it yourself in this StackBlitz:

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