2 min read

Vue Tip: Creating a Custom Directive

Vue Tip: Creating a Custom Directive Image

In addition to the default set of directives like v-model or v-show, you can also register your own custom directives. For this article, let's look at how you can create a v-theme directive that applies a specific style to an element of our template.


Custom directives should be used for reusing logic that involves low-level DOM access on plain elements.

You can define the custom directive inside any Vue component:

2  <span v-theme>Test</span>
5<script setup>
6// enables v-theme in our template
7const vTheme = {
8  mounted: (el) => {
9    el.style.color = 'red'
10  },

Open playground

We defined the custom directive as an object that contains the lifecycle hooks as a Vue component. The element the directive is bound to is available as the first argument of the lifecycle hooks.

In <script setup>, any camelCase variable that starts with the v prefix can be used as a custom directive.


Custom directives should only be used when the desired functionality can only be achieved via direct DOM manipulation. When possible, prefer declarative templating using built-in directives such as v-bind because they are more efficient and server-rendering friendly.

Now let's extend our directive by adding an argument that defines which theme should be applied:

2  <span v-theme:[theme]>Selected theme: {{ theme }}</span>
3  <button @click="switchTheme">Switch theme</button>
6<script setup>
7import { ref } from 'vue'
9const theme = ref('primary')
11const switchTheme = () => {
12  if (theme.value === 'primary') {
13    theme.value = 'secondary'
14  } else if (theme.value === 'secondary') {
15    theme.value = 'primary'
16  }
19const setThemeColor = (el, binding) => {
20  if (binding.arg === 'primary') {
21    el.style.color = 'orange'
22  } else if (binding.arg === 'secondary') {
23    el.style.color = 'green'
24  } else {
25    el.style.color = 'black'
26  }
29// enables v-theme in our template
30const vTheme = {
31  mounted(el, binding) {
32    setThemeColor(el, binding)
33  },
34  updated(el, binding) {
35    setThemeColor(el, binding)
36  },

Open playground

At this point, you have created a custom directive that you can use in your Vue.js application.

Check the official documentation for more information.

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