1 min read

Vue Tip: Change the Interpolation Delimiter

Vue Tip: Change the Interpolation Delimiter Image

It is possible to adjust the delimiters used for text interpolation within the template.

This is typically used to avoid conflicting with server-side frameworks that also use mustache syntax.

The default delimiters are the double curly braces:

<script setup> const title = 'Hello' </script> <template> <h1>{{ title }}</h1> </template>

We can change the delimiter in the config object of the application instance:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Home</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.js"></script> <script type="module"> const { createApp } = Vue const app = createApp({ data() { return { message: 'Hello Vue!', } }, }) // Delimiters changed to ES6 template string style app.config.compilerOptions.delimiters = ['${', '}'] app.mount('#app') </script> </head> <body> <main> <div id="app">${ message }</div> </main> </body> </html>


The compilerOptions config option is only respected when using the full build (i.e. the standalone vue.js that can compile templates in the browser).

If you are using the runtime-only build with a build setup, checkout the official docs.

Try it yourself:

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