Vue Router provides a way to use transitions on your route components and animate navigations.
But sometimes, you might want to animate a specific (sub-)component before a route is left.
Therefore, you can use the onBeforeRouteLeave navigation guard combined with a ref to toggle the visibility of the component:
is necessary to trigger the animation. More at the official docs.<template>
<section class="body">
<Transition name="image">
<img v-if="showUI" src="../assets/image.svg" alt="Image" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { onBeforeRouteLeave } from 'vue-router'
const showUI = ref(true)
onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from, next) => {
if ( === 'Home') {
showUI.value = false
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
} else {
<style lang="scss">
.image-leave-active {
transition: transform 1s ease;
.image-leave-to {
transform: translateY(30vw) translateX(40vw) rotate(30deg);
Let's take a closer look at the code inside onBeforeRouteLeave
onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from, next) => {
if ( === 'Home') {
showUI.value = false
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
} else {
If the following route is anything other than Home
, we allow the navigation and call next
If the following route is Home
, we toggle the component's visibility by setting showUI
to false
. Next, we call setTimeout
with 1 second to wait until the animation is done and then proceed with the route change by calling next
The animation time is defined in our <style>
<style lang="scss">
.image-leave-active {
transition: transform 1s ease;
.image-leave-to {
transform: translateY(30vw) translateX(40vw) rotate(30deg);
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