Boost Your Productivity By Using The Terminal (iTerm & ZSH)
Using the terminal is one of the biggest productivity boosts you can gain in your daily work as a developer.
Chrome Recorder: Record, Replay and Measure User Flows
Typically, a user needs to process multiple pages or steps to finish his journey, such as submitting an order or completing a registration.
How I Increased My Productivity With Visual Studio Code
In this post, I will describe how I increased my productivity by learning to use Visual Studio Code more efficiently.
How I Write My Blog Posts
I'm often asked how I write my blog posts and in this article, I want to describe my process from start to finish.
How To Automatically Generate A Helpful Changelog From Your Git Commit Messages
Creating a changelog is a usual task if a new software version is going to be released.
Use Git Bisect to Find the Commit That Introduced a Bug
As a developer you know that situation: the code worked like a charm and suddenly there is a bug but you have no idea where and when it was introduced.
Why I Switched From Visual Studio Code to JetBrains WebStorm (IntelliJ)
As I started my first JavaScript project in 2015, I used JetBrains WebStorm, which is an IDE (integrated development environment) for JavaScript development.