1 min read

My First NPM Package: github-traffic-cli

Michael Hoffmann

Michael Hoffmann


My First NPM Package: github-traffic-cli Image

Since I published my first projects on GitHub I've enjoyed viewing the traffic on my repositories. It is exciting to see how many people visit or clone my repositories.

Unfortunately, it costs a lot of time to click through all available repositories, and I was looking for a more elegant way.

I stumbled upon the npm package github-traffic, which already provides an API to fetch the GitHub traffic. So I decided to write a command-line interface (CLI) npm package which uses this API.

As a result, I can check the traffic on all of my repositories with one CLI command:

"github-traffic-cli" Screenshot

Develop & publish npm package

The process is straightforward and documented in the npm docs.

Used npm packages

  • chalk: Terminal string styling done right
  • clui: Node.js toolkit for quickly building nice looking command line interfaces
  • commander: The complete solution for node.js command-line interfaces
  • figlet: Terminal ASCII art from text
  • inquirer: A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.

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